Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Study Guide for Quarter 1 Final

Final October 15 for A-Block and October 16 for B-block
31 questions
29- multiple choice
2- graphing

What to know:
1. Know how to calculate speed, velocity, and acceleration. What is the difference between speed and velocity.
2. Know how to create and read a Distance versus time graph and how to label the axis's 
3. Know what different lines mean on a distance versus time graph. I.E. What line means an object is stationary, etc. 
4. Know Newton's three laws of motion.
5. Know how to calculate force
6. Know how to define gravity, inertia, friction, force
7. What is the difference between an unbalanced force and balanced force.

Force and Motion Vocabulary


  1. Position
  2.  Direction
  3.  Distance
  4. Reference point
  5.  Frame of Reference
  6. Position
  7.  Orientation
  8. Speed
  9.  Velocity
  10.  Units
  11. centimeter, meter, millimeter
  12.  X- axis, Y-axis, 
  13. manipulated (independent) variable
  14. responding (dependent) variable
  15. net force
  16.  kinetic energy versus potential energy
  17.  balanced and unbalanced forces
  18.  Magnitude
  19.  newton
  20. Inertia
  21.  friction, lubrication
  22.  thermal energy 
  23. Acceleration,
  24. direct relationship
  25.  indirect/inverse relationship
  26. Momentum

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