Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Agenda and Benchmark Review

Agenda for A and B Blocks 1. INB Check and Collect Test improvement

2. Photosynthesis and Respiration Discussion

3. Finish any Presentations

4. Draw and define key terems on p 142 sections 1 and 2 (8 terms)


Study for Benchmark Test

A- block is on Dec. 15 and B-block is on Dec. 16

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

want to choose your seat?

Go to Mr. St. Peter's blog and click on where do you want to sit? Tell your friends. When we come back from winter break you might get lucky and I will put you in the general area of where you want to sit. :)

Have a great day!

Jase St. Peter
Rio Norte JH School
Team Thunder Science

Monday, December 6, 2010

Agenda Dec. 6 B-block

Download now or preview on posterous
Photosynthesis PPT.ppt (1413 KB)


1. Warmup and Collect Test Improvement

2. Finish presentations

3. Photosynthesis Notes

4. Microscopes


Organize INB and Lab Drawing worksheet

Table of Contents for INB Check #3

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Agenda Dec. 3 A-block


1. Warm-up
a. INB check next week - you will get a printed INB TOC next class
b. Microscopes:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Agenda for Dec. 2 B-block


1. Warm-up - Review for quiz

2. Quiz Chapter 3 section 2

3. Correct HW pg 109 to 110

4. Finish Presentations

5. Test Improvement

6. Microscopes and Review Notes


Finish Test Improvement Assignment

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Agenda for Dec. 1 A-block


1. Warm-up - Review for quiz

2. Quiz and Cell practice

3. Finish Presentations, Graph, and Character

4. Test Improvements and Microscopes Homework

Finish Test Improvements -due next class and you will turn this in to me.

Study for quiz

Agenda Nov. 30 for B-block


1. Warm-up

2. Create matching for key terms on page 108

3. Chapter 3 review test 4. Finish presentations 5. Take home cell project


Textbook pages 109 to 110 and take other students key term match quiz