Thursday, September 26, 2019

Agenda Sept. 26 & 27

1. Finish skate park Phet simulation
2. Force Graphic organizer
3. Friction minilab
4. Friction Notes
5. Friction Phet Simulation. 

1. Lab Book check next class
2. Quiz next class 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Agenda Sept. 24 & 25

1. CER practice (LB p. 40)
2. Energy Skate Park (Finish next class)
3. Combining Notes [LB p. 41 & 42(if needed)]
4. Textbook Review questions pages 365 to 367
5. Graphic Organizer, we will do in class next class (A-block)

Finish Textbook Review questions page 365 and 366

Agenda Sept. 23 B-Block

1. Review CER moon verses mars
2. Collision and Energy
3. Eureka Science videos and worksheet
4. Text Book/Notes CER -forces
5. Net force worksheet

Finish Classwork

Friday, September 20, 2019

Agenda 19 & 20

1. Collision and Energy
2. Eureka Science videos and worksheet
3. Inertia Notes
4. Net Force

Finish the Net Force worksheet or any other classwork

Updated TOC

26. Distance -Time Graph
27. Following Jack part 1
28. Interpreting D vs. T graphs
29. Go cart test run
30.Following Jack part 2
31. Force and Motion ideas
32.  Washer and cup activity
33. Minilab: Newton's First law of motion using washer
34. Disney Imagineer - Force and motion video, pink half sheet
35. Inertia Notes
36. Inertia Notes continue
37. Collisions and Energy Flow Diagram Template
38. Eureka Science videos- Inertia and Mass
39. Calculating Net Force - Examples
40. CER- Forces
41. Notes - Combining forces
42. Continued if needed
43. Textbook Review p. 365 to 367
44. Graphic Organizer: Is the force with you?
45. Mini-lab: What is Friction?

Extra worksheets can be found in the classroom and on Google Classroom

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Agenda Sept. 16 & 17

1. Position - Time Graph Quiz
2. Retake (A-Block only)
3. Force and Motion Idea Probe (page 31 in Lab Book)
4. Washer/cup activity (page 32 in Lab Book)
5. Mini-lab Newton's First Law of Motion (Inertia) (B-block only, A-block on Sept. 18)
6. Egg drop demo
7. Phet Simulation forces and motion (A-block will finish on Sept. 18)

Finish class work -B - block finish the Phet simulation forces and motion for homework

Monday, September 16, 2019

Agenda Sept. 12 & 13

1. Discuss Last quiz - Retake if needed, B-block only, A-Block on Monday Sept. 16
2. Finish Interpreting Distance vs. Time Graphs with the Go Motion Sensor
3. Go Cart Test Run
4. Following Jack Part 2

Finish any work not completed in class and Finish CER writing assignment on Google Classroom 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Agenda Sept. 10 & 11

1. Cup Activity
2. CER Dicussion
3. CER practice and assignment

Finish CER assignment

Agenda Sept. 6 and Sept. 9

1. New Seats
2. Following Jack Part 2
3. Distance vs. Time graphs
4.  Interpreting Graphs  


Monday, September 9, 2019

Teachers Pay Teachers Class Fund

I have created a class fund through Teachers pay Teachers that will help me purchase curriculum to supplement what we are already doing in class. I appreciate any help because some of the amazing activities can get pricey. Thank you.

Have a great day!

Jase St. Peter
Rio Norte JH School

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Agenda Sept. 4 & Sept. 5

1. Motion Quiz
2. Turn in Car Lab and Lab Book
3. Finish Moving Man Phet Simulation

Finish Moving Man Simulation

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Agenda Aug. 30 & Sept. 3

1. Review Frame of Reference Quiz
2. Lab: Evaluating Motion and Graphing of Data
Essential Question: How do we find out how fast something is moving?
3. Phet Simulation: Moving Man

1. Study for Quiz on Speed and graphing
2. Prepare Lab Book for turn in. 
3. I will be collecting The Lab: Evaluating Motion and Graphing