Friday, January 25, 2019

Study Guide for Body Systems Test

Test will be moved back a day.

A-Block Feb. 5, 2019
B-Block Feb. 6, 2019

What to study: (34 Questions, a few true/false, mostly Multiple Choice, Some fill in answers too)

1. Know that oxygen/carbon dioxide is exchanged within the respiratory system
2. Describe the direction of blood flow through the heart and know the blood carries oxygen to the cells.
3.What system gets rid of urine (i.e. liquid waste) - Excretory System
4. Compare the differences between veins, arteries, and capillaries.
5. What are the structures of the heart, aorta, valves, etc.
6. What systems sends messages to the brain?
7. compare and contrast the tissue types, nerve tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue, and epithelial
8. Where is blood produced? Bone marrow of the skeletal system
9. Know the major functions of all the systems covered during the presentations
10. What are the levels of organization in the human- cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism. You should also know the definition of each.
11. Compare and contrast smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and skeletal (or striated) muscle
12. What is the difference between an involuntary muscle and voluntary muscle
13. Why do muscles have to work in pairs?
14. Define stimulus, impulse, reaction, and response
15. Know the structures in the respiratory system, lungs, trachea, bronchi, and larynx, etc.
16. Know what happens when you breath in and out.
17. Compare and contrast the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system,  etc.
18. Terms to know for the fill in section
      a. stimulus, diaphragm, tissue, stress, breathing, response, triceps, smooth, epithelial, and organ system.
19. Make sure you understand the structures and function of the heart, know how blood flows through the heart.

Systems NOT on the test are Integumentary System, Lymphatic System, Endocrine System, and Reproductive system.

Systems to focus on  Skeletal, Muscular, Circulatory, Respiratory, Excretory, and Nervous

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Study for Levels of Organization Quiz

A block - Jan. 17, 2019
B block -Jan. 18, 2019

Use the worksheets in your lab book to study from.

Table of Contents for Quarter 3

1. Title Page
2. Goals Page
3 to 5. Table of contents - number your pages from 1 to 100
6. Levels of Organization
7. Linking Literacy: Levels of organization
8. Student Reference sheet: Body Systems
9. Bodies and Systems (White Packet, last page can be done for extra credit, take pictures or videos of yourself- 15 points of extra credit)

Monday, January 14, 2019

New Lab Book Set Up


1. Title Page
    a. name
    b. period
    c. Your interests - include pictures, drawings, or words, etc.
2. Three short term goals, goals you could accomplish by summertime
     three long term goals, future accomplishments
3 to 5. Table of contents, number your Table of Contents (TOC) from 1. to 100, and number all the pages in your lab book to make it easier for future assignments. 

Verizon Customers and Remind

If you are a Verizon customer you will no longer receive my messages through texts on Jan 28, 2019 due to a contract issue between Verizon and Remind. You will need to download the app or enable email notifications to continue to receive messages from me through Remind. I will let you know if anything changes or if I change apps. Thank you.

Remind app download page.