INB and Final Test
Thursday May 23 for B - Block
Friday May 24 for A - Block
It will cover chapter 7 and the beginning of chapter 8
Evolution Benchmark Study Guide
Standards to be tested and key concepts to know
3.a Both genetic variation and environmental factors are causes of evolution and diversity of organisms.
1. genetic variety of traits in population
2. Natural Selection factors
3. Adaptations
4. Environmental factors affecting population survival
5. Charles Darwin
3. c Independent lines of evidence from geology, fossils, and comparative anatomy provide a basis for the theory of evolution.
1. Homologous structures
2. vestigial organs
3. Coal beds under glaciers
4. relative age of fossils
4. a Earth process today is similar to those that occurred in the past and slow geologic processes have large cumulative effects over long periods of time.
1. Continental drift
2. rock cycle
3. law of superposition
4. intrusions vs. extrusions
4.b The history of life on Earth has been disrupted by major catastrophic events, such as major volcanic eruptions or the impact of an asteroid.
1. Mass extinction
2. climate affects from volcanic eruptions or asteroid impacts
3. catastrophic vs slow change
4. e Fossils provide evidence of how life and environmental conditions have changed.
1. Index vs. trace fossils
2. Interpreting rock layers and fossils
3. Rock Layers Activity in Textbook
4. Interpreting rock layers and fossils
7. e Communicate the steps and results from an investigation in written reports and verbal presentations.
Have a Great Summer Break!
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