Thursday, August 29, 2019

Celebrating 150 years!

You might know that College Football is celebrating 150 years of existence, but did you know the Periodic Table is also celebrating 150 years of existence.

Agenda 28 & 29

1. Finish Motion Notes p. 17 & 18
2. Finish Measuring Lab p. 19 & 20
3.  Speed, Velocity & acceleration notes summary p. 21
4. How do measure speed? Billiard ball activity p. 22
5. When does an object accelerate? accelerometer activity p. 23
6. Motion Practice Problem p. 24
7. Roller Coaster Ride probe 11 p. 25

Finish class work
Lab Book Check Sept. 4 for A-Block and Sept. 5 for B- Block

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Agenda Aug. 26 &27

1. Good Things
2. Frame of Reference Quiz
3. Capturing Kids Heart Social Contract
4. Measuring Practice Lab
5. Continue Motion Notes

Finish anything you need to finish for the lab book.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Agenda Aug. 22 & 23

1. Correct and stamp homework
2. Elaborate Lab Activity: Describing Position (p. 12 in Lab Book)
3. Elaborate Activity: Changing Position (p. 13 in LB)
4. Concept Map (p. 15 in LB)
5. Motion Vocabulary
   a. Motion
   b. Reference Point
   c. Frame of reference
   d. Position
   e. Distance
    f. Direction
6.  Motion notes
7. Where is Rudy the River Hawk

1. Study for Frame of reference quiz
2. Finish Where is Rudy the River Hawk

Extra worksheets on Google Classroom 

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Lab Book Table of Contents

1. Cover Page
2. Table of contents
3. Table of contents continued
4. Physics Chat
5. Science safety rules
6. science safety vocabulary
7. Safety in the science laboratory
8. Daily Kick Off - Reference point Anchor Phenomena and Essential Questions
9. Treasure Map
10. Describing Position on a Coordinate Plane page 1
11. Describing Position on a Coordinate Plane page 2
12. Elaborate Lab Activity - Describing Position
13. Elaborate Activity - Changing Position
14. Google Classroom assignment Points of Reference: It's all in how you look at things, print assignment or write in your answers on the page 
15. Objects Location Concept Map
16. Motion Vocabulary
17. Motion Notes
18. Motion Notes continue
19. Measuring part 1
20. Measuring part 2
21. Speed, velocity and acceleration summary
22. How do we measure speech
23. Describing acceleration using an accelerometer
24. Motion Practice
25. Roller Coaster Ride probe 11

Extra worksheets for assignments can be found in the absent work bin in the classroom or can be printed from Google Classroom

Agenda 20 & 21

1. Safety Test

2. Lab Book set up

3. Energy of Motion Phenomena and Essential Questions (page 8 in the Lab Book)

Essential Question- What will happen when the truck comes into contact with the pole? Point of Reference Skateboard How do we decide when an object is moving? Leading Questions: a. What object in the skateboard video appears to be moving? What appears to be still or not moving? example: When using Google Maps on a mobile device it will often use your current location.

4. Treasure Map Activity [p. 9 in Lab Book (L.B.)]

5. Describing Position on a Coordinate Plane Worksheet (Finish for homework) (p. 10 & 11)

Finish Describing Position on a Coordinate Plane Worksheet
In Google classroom complete the Points of reference (p. 14 L.B.)
Note: page 12 and 13 in the lab book will be given next class period)

Monday, August 19, 2019

Agenda Aug. 16 & 19

1. Collect Papers/stamp Green Paper Assignment
2. Kahoot - Science Safety
3. Finish Escape Room
4. Fill out Reflection
5. Watch Why study science? on Google Classroom and write a summary

Study for Safety Test
20 MC questions, study the first 20 rules. The chemistry rules will be covered 2nd Semester

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Agenda Aug. 14 & 15

1. Course outline, Safety Contract, Donation letter
2. Finish Physics Chat
3. Chromebook numbers and logon details
4. Google classroom logon
5. Safety/Skills Escape Room

Parent/Guardian signatures

Safety Test 
A- Block - Aug. 20
B-Block - Aug. 21

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

First Day of 2019-2020 school year

Agenda (Aug. 13)
1. New seats
2. Physics Chat
3. Science Safety

None for today, we will complete the Physics Chat Activity next class period.

Supply recommendations 
1. Composition Book, college rule ( it is a good idea to have 2 or 3 for the school year)
2. glue or tape
3. pens, pencils, etc.