Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Team Amazon Mascot

Love the frog!

Agenda 9/30/15

1. Kick off - None
2. Finish lab design from last class
3. Work on science project
4. Review and assessment pages 81 to 83

1. Science Project

Agenda 9/28/15

  1. Kick off Journal (10 minutes) – What do you already know about designing an experiment?
  2. Circle of Knowledge discussion (10 minutes) –
    1. Essential Question = Why is it important to know how to design and conduct an experiment even if you might not enter a science career?
  3. Hook (5 minutes)
    1. My son's teacher wants do an experiment to teach her students about density. She asked me to give her a couple of ideas.
  4. Article on Designing an Experiment ( 15 minutes) Annotate and write ideas from the article
  5. (30 minutes) Students are given the task of designing a density lab for 4th graders.
  6. Type up the experiment in google docs (15 minutes)
  7. Kahoot (10 minutes) – density questions and experimental design questions

1. Science Project

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Agenda 9/22/15

1. Kick -off - What are the properties of a mixture?
2. Vocabulary Chart  Chapter 2 section 2/ Chapter Assessment for section 2
3. Measurement Handouts
4.Finish Balance Lab/ Science Project

1. Science Project
2. Measurement Handouts
3. Book work for Chapter 2 section 2

Friday, September 18, 2015

Agenda 9/18/15

1. Kick off - Math analyzing data on page 72
2. review chapter 1 test
3. Measurements - Balancing Lab
4. Vocabulary chapter 2 section 2/ Chapter assessment page 72

There are many youtube videos on how to use a Triple beam balance. Here is one I thought was great.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Agenda 9/16/15

Kick off- Math skill on page 64
2. Discuss chapter 2 section 2/ Videos
3. Science Project 
4. Finish vocabulary chapter 2 section 1 and chapter assessment page 67 questions 1 through 4

1. Science Project
2. Finish vocab. and chapter assessment

Videos - You might find some of your own.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Agenda 9/14/15

1. Kick off - Why does MATTER matter?
2. Tools lab continued
3. Discuss Chapter 2 section 1/Bill Nye Video on Matter
4. Vocabulary Chart Chapter 2 section 1/ Chapter Assessment Review page 67 questions 1 through 4

Science Project- 
Should be done
Table of Contents
Literature Review
Procedures and Materials

Start the Experiment if you haven't already

Thursday, September 10, 2015

9/10/15 Agenda

1. Kick-off - Why is it important to know how equipment works?
2. Safety Test Retake
3. Tools Lab
4. Science Project

Science Project

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Agenda 9/8/15

1. Kick- off - Organize INB
2. INB Check
3. Science Project 
4. Show Literature Review to teacher

Science Project

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Agenda 9/1/15

1. Kick off- Prepare table of contents for binder check. Due Monday
2. Safety Song activity
3. Safety Test
4. Science Project

1. Science Project
2. Study for Chapter 1 test - Test is on Thursday for Periods 1 and 2. Friday for period 3