Friday, December 4, 2015

Agenda 12/4/15

1. Binder check
2. Correct study guide pages 165 to 167
3. Myth busters helium football

Study for the test which is on Tuesday 12/8/15

Monday, November 30, 2015

Table of contents

Agenda 11/30/15

1. Kick - off - Sect. 5 Assessment page 163
2. Alien Periodic Table page 156
3. Science Project
4. Coding

1. Organize Binder for Binder (INB) Check
2. TEST on Chapter 4 TUESDAY DEC. 5

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Agenda 11/17/15

1. Go over test
2. Correct Assessments
3. Coding
4. Movie if Time

Vocabulary Charts 4.4 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Agenda 11/13/15

1. Kick-off- Start V.C. 4.3
2. Flame test demo
3. Periodic Table discussion
4. 4.3 assessment 

1. Finish V.C. 4.3 and 4.3 assessment

Friday, November 6, 2015

Agenda 11/6/15

1. Kick off - Start V.C. 4.2
2. Video and discuss 4.1
3. Correct 4.1 assessment page 130
4. Start 4.2. assessment 
5. Coding


A video that might help you understand what we covered in class

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


1. Review
2. Test
3. Coding
4. Start chapter 4.1

Finish 4.1 vocabulary and section summary

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Agenda 10/28/15

1. Kick off - Describe the difference between Charles Law and Boyles Law.
2. Chapter 3 assessment review pages 115 to 117
3. Coding

1. Binder Check

Table of Contents
1. TOC 
2. Kick-offs
3. Physical and chemical Properties 
4. Measuring Matter
5. Law of Coservation of matter
6. Writing a laboratory Report
7. Vocabulary chart ch. 3 sect. 1
8. Vocabulary chart ch. 3 sect. 2 and sect. 3
9. Chapter 3 Notes
10. Summary page of the state of matter
11. Page 111 Math Analyzing Data and section 3 review assessment
12. Chapter 3 Assessment pages 115 to 117

Monday, October 26, 2015

Agenda 10/26/15

1. Kick-off - Review for quiz
2. Quiz
3. Discuss chapter 3 section 3
4.  Analyzing Data and section 3 assessment on page 111
5. Coding

1. finish vocabulary 
2. Finish worksheets

Friday, October 23, 2015

Density Lab Winners

Boys Group
Andrei Mojica, Blake Gebhardt, Sage Kita, Adam Cisis

Girls Group
Alyssa Rodriguez, Mary Price, Lauren Chen, and Kathleen Bambrick

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Quiz Study Guide

1. Make sure you understand what a controlled experiment is.
2. How do you find the density of an unknown sample?
3. How do we know if something has undergone a physical change or a chemical change.
4. Explain the concept  "law of conservation of matter".
5. Understand the states of matter and how they can change from one state to another.
6. Explain how, use scientific vocabulary, a solid can go to a gas and how that gas can go back to a solid.

Agenda 10/22/15

1. Kick-off- Describe the transitional phases between states of matter. 
2. Vocabulary Chapter 3 sections 1-3
3. Discuss Chapter 3 section 2
4. Finish Worksheets

1. Finish Vocabulary
2. Finish Worksheets

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


1. Kick-off - How can we describe the motion of a solid, liquid, and a gas?
2. Vocabulary Charts for Chapter 3 section 1, 2, and 3
3. Discuss Chapter 3 section 1
4. Finish Worksheets from last week, you should have four. 

None - we will do the work in class this week

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Team Amazon Mascot

Love the frog!

Agenda 9/30/15

1. Kick off - None
2. Finish lab design from last class
3. Work on science project
4. Review and assessment pages 81 to 83

1. Science Project

Agenda 9/28/15

  1. Kick off Journal (10 minutes) – What do you already know about designing an experiment?
  2. Circle of Knowledge discussion (10 minutes) –
    1. Essential Question = Why is it important to know how to design and conduct an experiment even if you might not enter a science career?
  3. Hook (5 minutes)
    1. My son's teacher wants do an experiment to teach her students about density. She asked me to give her a couple of ideas.
  4. Article on Designing an Experiment ( 15 minutes) Annotate and write ideas from the article
  5. (30 minutes) Students are given the task of designing a density lab for 4th graders.
  6. Type up the experiment in google docs (15 minutes)
  7. Kahoot (10 minutes) – density questions and experimental design questions

1. Science Project

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Agenda 9/22/15

1. Kick -off - What are the properties of a mixture?
2. Vocabulary Chart  Chapter 2 section 2/ Chapter Assessment for section 2
3. Measurement Handouts
4.Finish Balance Lab/ Science Project

1. Science Project
2. Measurement Handouts
3. Book work for Chapter 2 section 2

Friday, September 18, 2015

Agenda 9/18/15

1. Kick off - Math analyzing data on page 72
2. review chapter 1 test
3. Measurements - Balancing Lab
4. Vocabulary chapter 2 section 2/ Chapter assessment page 72

There are many youtube videos on how to use a Triple beam balance. Here is one I thought was great.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Agenda 9/16/15

Kick off- Math skill on page 64
2. Discuss chapter 2 section 2/ Videos
3. Science Project 
4. Finish vocabulary chapter 2 section 1 and chapter assessment page 67 questions 1 through 4

1. Science Project
2. Finish vocab. and chapter assessment

Videos - You might find some of your own.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Agenda 9/14/15

1. Kick off - Why does MATTER matter?
2. Tools lab continued
3. Discuss Chapter 2 section 1/Bill Nye Video on Matter
4. Vocabulary Chart Chapter 2 section 1/ Chapter Assessment Review page 67 questions 1 through 4

Science Project- 
Should be done
Table of Contents
Literature Review
Procedures and Materials

Start the Experiment if you haven't already

Thursday, September 10, 2015

9/10/15 Agenda

1. Kick-off - Why is it important to know how equipment works?
2. Safety Test Retake
3. Tools Lab
4. Science Project

Science Project

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Agenda 9/8/15

1. Kick- off - Organize INB
2. INB Check
3. Science Project 
4. Show Literature Review to teacher

Science Project

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Agenda 9/1/15

1. Kick off- Prepare table of contents for binder check. Due Monday
2. Safety Song activity
3. Safety Test
4. Science Project

1. Science Project
2. Study for Chapter 1 test - Test is on Thursday for Periods 1 and 2. Friday for period 3

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

agenda 8/26/15

1. Kick-off - Why is it important to prepare before starting an experiment?
2. Chapter 1 section 5 vocabulary
3. Safety Discussion
4. Science Project/ Check topics, questions, hypothesis

1. Science Project - Literature Review Section
2. Chapter 1 section 5 and section 6 assessment reviews on pages 41 and 47

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Agenda 8/24/15

1. Kick-off - Why would a scientist estimate?
2. Vocabulary from chapter 1 section 4 page 30
3. Discuss metric conversion and math in science section 4
4. Scale Model of the classroom activity
5. Start Homework

1. Work on Literature Review of  Science Project
2. Finish chapter 1 section 3 and 4 assessment review pages 26 & 33

More great videos to help with understanding metric conversion

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Creating table of contents in Google documents

Agenda 8/20/15

1. Kick-off - What purpose does mathematics play in science?
2. Science Project
3. Correct and check homework
4. Measurement Discussion

1. Science Project
2. Finish vocabulary chart for chapter 1 section 3
3. Look at the video links on the blog for metric conversion

Metric Video

This one might help you better. You might find another one that helps too so let me know.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Agenda 8/18/15

1. Kick off Journal - Describe how the scientific method is not a linear process. 
2. Continue thinking scientifically and working on the Science Fair Project
3. Page 9 & 15 assessment questions
4. Check Homework

1. Finish the assessments on page 9 & 15
2. Science project - have your topic, question, and hypothesis ready by next week

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Essential Question: How does scientific inquiry (aka scientific method) lead to the process of thinking scientifically?

1. Kick-off Journal Question - What is Physical Science?
2. Pass out syllabus and discuss
3. Science Fair Project Topic (Optional- submit your science fair project to the Google Science Fair in the spring)
4. Build your vocabulary activity

1. Get papers signed
2. finalize your topic for project
3. Vocabulary Chart Building pages 6 & 10 in the textbook


Essential Question: How does scientific inquiry (aka scientific method) lead to the process of thinking scientifically?

1. Introduction
2. Marshmallow Observation Activity
3. Extra credit - document your self using marshmallows as glue. Research the method on the internet. You should also write down all your observations on paper.


Friday, May 15, 2015

Science Final

Wednesday June 3rd 
It will cover chapter 11 (invertebrates), 12 (vertebrates), and 7 (evolution)

I will give the students a study guide during class. It will be worth 100 points all multiple choice

Classwork for chapter 12 that was not finished in class should be finished at home which includes:

Section 1 assessment page 460
Section 2 assessment page 467
Section 3 assessment page 471
Section 4 assessment page 479
Section 5 assessment page 485
Section 6 assessment page 494

Please finish before your textbooks are collected.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Inb due wed 5-13

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

Friday, May 1, 2015

Test improvements

Choose one of the quiz improvement assignments for the body system to earn half the points you missed on the last quiz. Go to the assignments tab and in the Test Improvement folder find one of the body system assignments.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

Agenda 5/11/15

Study for quiz 13-1 - Know functions of the body systems
INB Check
Finish project if not done

Work on INB
Projects if not done

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Agenda 3/3/15

Finish science project

1. warm-up - work quietly 
2. Work quietly on science 54321 and vocabulary charts for 13-1, 13-2, 13-3
3. Discuss chapter 13 section 4
4. Lever Packet
5. If time work on science project

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Agenda 2-25-15

Work on Science project

1. warm-up - Are cellphones useful in the classroom?
2. Sci. 54321 Ch. 13-1 and Vocab. Chart Ch. 13-1
3. Work on Science project
4. Finish what can go wrong? class assignment

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Agenda 2/23/15

Site we went over when he was gone. - PDF also attached.

Student were assigned the following.
1. work on science project - homework
2. in Class assignment
a. pick one body system of your choice
b. Discuss the structures and functions of the parts of that system
c. research what can go wrong (don't go over 10 problems) with that system and what doctors can do to cure or help those issues
d. With your partner determine the best way you want to present that system, it's problems, and treatments. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Agenda 2/11/15

Science project - Due date extended to first week of March

No Warm-up
1. Strawberry Lab
2. Finish Genome Video
3. Work on science project

INB Check Next Week

Monday, February 9, 2015

Agenda 2-9-15

Work on Science Project

1. Warm-up
Describe how gene therapy will help advance the field of medicine
2. Guilty or Innocent?
3. Genome Video
4. DNA Fingerprinting

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Agenda 2-3-15

Work on science project, you should be working on the experiment and data collection. You should have the literature review completed and the introduction as well.

1. warm-up
Describe the GINA Act of 2008
2. Discuss chapter 6 section 3
3. Vocabulary chart chapter 6 section 3
4. Science 54321 Chapter 6 section 3
5. Family Puzzle Lab

Baby Face writing prompt
What would the future hold for Americans if the GINA act of 2008 was not enacted?

Science 54321 Compare and contrast
Section 1
Sex-linked gene versus gene
Section 2
Genetic disorder versus disease
Section 3
Selective breeding versus hybridization 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Agenda and Homework

Complete the Literature Review for the science project

1. Finish Baby Face Lab
2. Finish Vocab chart and science 54321 for Chapter 6 section 1
3. Work on Science Project

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Agenda 1-22-15

Work on step 6 of the science project - due Friday Jan. 30, 2015

1. test
2. chapter 6 section 1 vocab. chart
3. chapter 6 section 1 science 54321
4. Work on science project

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Agenda 1-20-15

Science Project
steps 1 through 5 should be done. Start step 6. I will check step 6 next week.

Test this Thursday. 5 questions from chapter 5, study guide discussed in class. You can use your notes on the test. 

Make sure you have turned in Take a class survey lab activity. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Jan. 12, 2015 agenda

1. warm-up - Write down a rule you remember.
2. new seats, rules and safety review
3. Review Ch. 5 sect. 1 and Ch. 5 sect. 2
4. Start Science research project

find topic and question for project
read through the information on the link and then scroll down and do steps 1 through 3 only.